In my last blog I discussed the 2012 predictions of major Earth changes. This is a follow-up with information from the Channel Kryon’s web page for 2007 Q&A (question 1). Here is the question: Dear Kryon, why do there seem to be more and more discrepancies between channeled information? It looks to me that more and more we seem to be divided into two camps – the catastrophe camp and the ecstasy camp. I know that one explanation could be put on personal belief of the channel, but this doesn't explain such differences in the channeled information at this time. How does this work exactly?
Kryon goes into their answer by using the analogy of human’s watching traffic: how when everything is flowing smoothly, nobody pays much attention. But when there is an accident, especially a big one, a large crowd will gather. Then they give an overview of our future being composed of many potential outcomes, some with higher probabilities than others. Now let me quote them of the following:
“When a Human channel or prophet comes back from a vision and gives you doom and gloom predictions, here is what they are really saying: "A beautiful angel came to me carrying the potentials of the planet in each hand... good and bad. I chose the bad one since it looked a lot more interesting!" Do you see? And who exactly gave this news? Was it the angel who carried the whole picture and was silent, or the Human who chose to channel only the parts that were dramatic? So you see, all information is given, but only the parts that the Humans wish to take back with them are shared. This places the power into the hands of Humans and the responsibility of the messages is theirs alone. It has always been this way and again we remind you that all your earth's scriptures were given to you by Humans... all the scriptures in all the religions of the planet.”
“Remember, dear ones, that channeling is the mind of the Human Being interpreting inter-dimensional information from a place that can be confusing and definitely not 3D [spiritual domain and not Earthlike]. Therefore, it takes practice, wisdom and a countenance that is studying mastery. Beware of the casual prophet, for they will use their gifts to create unintentional drama, and many Humans will follow them, giving seeming credibility.”
Earlier in the answer, Kryon said, “As far as entities on this side of the veil giving you another story, I stop and remind you that no entity can give you the future – and Kryon hasn't done that, either. What Kryon has done is to congratulate you for changing the planet, and remind you what is possible, and the potentials that you have. No entity on the other side of the veil is going to come in and give you doom and gloom predictions. That is a Human's interpretation of information they saw through their own discernment filter.”
Copyright by Douglas Kinney
Saturday, January 24, 2009
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