Thursday, January 22, 2009

2012 and Earth Changes

Over the last several years there have been predictions about major Earth changes, which many see as a cleansing. After having gone through three previous predictions of Earth changes (mid 1980s for the harmonic convergence, early 1990s and 2000), I feel a sense of immunity because nothing in way of major Earth changes happened. This does not mean that one cannot pick up seeming indicators of change. Even I experience something when I was at a Dick Sutphen public event where he did a group hypnotic progression into the future. When he had us go to 2012, I felt a physical jolt and a sense of discontinuity along with visions of great changes in New York and London. Others in the group had even strong visions of Earth changes with rising seas and damage to the cities. Sutphen has conducted many of these group sessions and most people see major Earth changes. He is not the only person or source predicting changes.

I am still skeptical, so I check with some other sources—three of my favorite channels: Abraham by Esther Hicks, The Guides by Ron Scolastico, and The Lightspeakers by Christie Pennington. Abraham is their usually manner basically say it is nonsense. The Guides say that we as humans like to predict future calamities in order to motivate ourselves to make changes in ourselves and society. The Lightspeakers say that there will be changes in the consciousness of many people (those who choose to make them) but no major physical changes.

It seems obviously that something is going on. Sutphen and others are serious investigators, and I don’t want to totally discount them. I think I have some information that might reconcile the two viewpoints. I ran across it in a book 2012: Crossing the Bridge to the Future by Mark Borax. Much of the book is about Borax being trained by the famous astrologer and visionary William Lonsdale. At one point (p. 88-89) Lonsdale tells Borax:

“Atlantis was an incredible place, an amazing place, one of the greatest stages in human development so far. But at a certain point, towards the end, a small sub-group of elite became drunk with power. The forces they’d unleashed backfired. …
‘The resulting impact set in motion the primary downfall of the species. This is the main karma of humanity we’ve been repeating in various ways every since. …
“Because during the Harmonic Convergence of 1987 to 2012 a great purging is taking place in which the current world drama is intended to replicate what went wrong in Atlantis so we can make it right.
“The reason the story’s coming out now is because you can’t turn around an entrenched karmic pattern until you sufficiently recreate enough of it to have something to work with. …”

I have always had trouble understanding the Atlantis thing, but Borax and several other sources have given me a better perspective and understanding (see some of Delores Cannon’s books). What I believe is going on is that we again have the technology to destroy our civilization, and this is bringing back race memories of terrible earth quakes, floods and land falling into the ocean. In meditative-hypnotic settings such as those Sutphen conducts, these race memories are rising up. It is challenging (motivating) us to “do it right this time.” This would generally be consistent with what The Guides and The Lightspeakers have said: some of us are motivating ourselves to create a better civilization and to environment.

Copyright by Douglas Kinney

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