Wednesday, April 7, 2010

Book on Glimpes of God and the Milti-dimensional Universe

This book chronicles my journey of spiritual exploration and discovery from which I have synthesized key findings on the nature of the spiritual realm (“heaven”: the multi-dimensional spiritual universe), the nature of souls, and the spiritual source we call God. I see humanity moving into a new age where it is very important that knowledge of the human spirit (the soul part) be expanded and developed into an integrated and supportable description of non-physical reality. It is also important that we don’t give up the tremendous accomplishments we have made through the application of reason to science, technology and human affairs.

The quality issue with spiritual information is at the heart of what I am addressing in this book. Deep spiritual experiences and information from non-physical spiritual sources come from a reality beyond our normal physical one; and because this reality is so different, we or the sources rely on metaphors and other rhetorical devices to communicate this information to aid in human comprehension. These devices help overcome the limitations of human language, human culture, and our physical reality based beliefs; but they have limitations and when combined with the personal beliefs of the spiritual messenger, there is significant potential for error, distortion and corruption of the message.

I am addressing the spiritual information quality issues using approaches based on the scientific method where confirming the reality of a concept, hypothesis or theory generally comes not from a single observation or study but from many independent observations or studies, often with different methodologies or phenomena from different sources. I apply this method first to scientific studies of near-death experience (NDE) and reincarnation in which four different, but related, phenomena have been systematically investigated by scientifically trained medical doctors and psychologists. Through the application of approaches from the scientific method to the information provided in these studies, we can start laying a scientific foundation that lends credibility to other, more esoteric sources of spiritual information. For example, the evidence for out of the body experiences (OBE) in NDE is very, very strong. It is at the level that many would consider scientific proof. The validation of OBE also validates the concept of the mind can exist outside the body. The reincarnation research is providing very strong evidence for reincarnation's validity that is greatly strengthen by the NDE evidence that the mind can exist outside the body. I am seeing an interlocking and overlaying pattern in the spiritual information that provides the means for creating a credible structure for spiritual knowledge. TThe book is about building out this structure.

Later I adapt the same general scientific-based approach to evaluate spiritual hypotheses by comparing the information provided by ten different spiritual sources, which cover four different spiritual modalities or phenomena. This comparative approach is required because we cannot directly confirm them through our normal earth-based scientific methods; e.g., controlled tests.

The book is divided into three parts that are titled: 1) Setting a Scientific Foundation, 2) Creating a New Level of Spiritual Knowledge, and 3) Glimpses and Speculations on the Infinite. Part 1 has two two chapters: Chapter 1 is an overview of the scientific anomalies and how the existence of a new universal energy and information field hypothesized by leading-edge scientists provides explanations for almost all of these anomalies. Chapter 2 presents information on the systematic and scientific studies of NDE and reincarnation that were briefly discussed above.

For part 2, Chapter 3 is an overview of how large numbers of spiritual sources and the quality of their information appears to be creating a “new age of revelation” that is available to us because of our access through the universal field introduced in Chapter 1. In the next three chapters (4, 5 and 6), I provide overviews and summaries of the spiritual information provided by my sources. Chapter 4 covers my selected channeling sources: humans that have received information from quality sources in the spiritual realm. Chapter 5 is an overview of a whole new class of spiritual information: life between lives (LBL) spiritual regression where humans are able to experience the spiritual realm as souls; and Chapter 6 provides highlights from other worthwhile sources. Interestingly, the events in the LBL experience are very consistent with the NDE events. This is an example of the overlapping and interlocking nature of spiritual information from different sources.

In Chapter 7, I adapt concepts from the scientific method to evaluate spiritual hypotheses in four different areas: 1) God, souls, creation and evolution, 2) souls experiencing human lives, 3) nature of the spiritual realm, and 4) multi-dimensional nature of the spiritual realm. My goal is to find out what spiritual information we can have confidence in. This is done by comparing what ten different “quality” spiritual sources say or write about each hypothesis: do they agree or not, and how strong is the agreement?

Most of the material for the first two parts has already been drafted. The third part is still to be written, but my plan is to use Chapter 8 to explore the concept of multiple and parallel realities from scientific and spiritual perspectives. Chapter 9 will summarize the technology in the spiritual realm that my spiritual sources describe. Chapter 10 concludes the book; in it I provide a summary perspective on the glimpses of the non-physical reality that the book provides. Also as a way of bringing it all together, I am planning an Epilogue where I will include LeShan’s perspective that to be fully human, we need to have access to four modes of being: physical sensing mode; clairvoyant (oneness) mode, transpsychic (intersessionary prayer /law of attraction) mode, and mythic (creative possibility) mode.

To provide more perspective on the scope of the book, I will be posting in the next several days most of the introductory material given in Chapters 1 and 3 below. Each sets the stage for the first two parts. Below is the table of contents

Curious Explorer Drawn into the Greatest Mystery
Scientific Source and/or Channeling group

Part 1: Setting a Scientific Foundation
1. The Field: Science Converging with Spirituality
Quantum: Understanding the Universe in the Very Small
Cosmology: Understanding the Physical Universe of the Very Large
Evolutionary Biology and Super-Coherent Organism
Brain, Senses and Memory
Consciousness: How We Are Connected
Summary of Akashic Field’s Ability to Explain Scientific Anomalies
2. Systematic/Scientific Studies on Near-Death Experience and Reincarnation
Near-Death Experience Investigations by Researchers
Group Past-Life Regression Studies by Wambach
Investigations of Children Who Remember
Walter Semkiw’s Investigation of Reincarnation
Summary on Systematic Investigations of Reincarnation and NDE

Part 2: Creating a New Level of Spiritual Knowledge
3. Lowering of the Veil: Spiritual Sources for a New Age of Revelation
Understanding Spiritual Channeling
My Spiritual Channeling Sources
Life Between Lives Regression: A Breakthrough Development
Other Spiritual Sources and Possible Scientific Explanations
Chapter Summary: Are We Living in a New Spiritual Era?
4. Broadcasts from the Spiritual Realm by Soul Teaching Groups
Exploratory Dialogues with Spiritual Teaching Group The Messengers
Creation Story of Physical Universe and Earth by Scolastics’s The Guides
Mastering Human Creation: Instructions from Abraham
Channeling the Higher Self: Neale Donald Walsch and Home with God
Edgar Cayce: a Pathfinder
My Experiences in Conversations with My Higher Self
Summary: Why Reincarnation and For What Purpose?
5. Life between Lives Regression Discoveries—New View of “Heaven”
Overview of Soul’s “Journey” in the Spiritual Realm
Sample Life Between Lives Session
Highlight of Cannon’s Exploration of Spiritual Realm
Newton’s Information on Key Spiritual Topics
6. Exploring the Infinite—Other Interesting Sources
Charles Graybar: Human Adventure in the Spiritual Realm.
Example of NDE Case with Rich Spiritual Realm Experience
Robert Swartz: Choosing Challenging Life Conditions
Glenda Green’s “Conversations with Jesus”
Seth as Channeled by Jane Roberts
Chapter Summary: Integrating Different Spiritual Phenomenology
7. Search for Confidence: Testing Hypotheses and Finding “Truth”
Adapting Key Concepts from Scientific Method
Evaluating Hypotheses
Hypotheses on God, Creation, Souls and Evolution
Hypotheses on Souls Experiencing Human Lives
Hypotheses on Nature of Spiritual Realm
Hypotheses on Multi-dimensional Nature of Spiritual Realm
Interviewing The Messengers on Key Spiritual Hypotheses
Summary of “Truth” Findings on key Hypotheses Using ~10 sources

Part 3: Glimpses and Speculations on the Infinite
8. The Future and Understanding Alternative/Parallel Realities
Science and the Probabilistic nature of universe—Parallel Universes
Probabilistic nature of universe (Seth); Human free will
Samples of information from LBL
2012 Shift—What is Happening?
9. Technology in Spiritual Realm—Some Highlights
Viewing screens -Newton
Space of Transformation
Ring of Destiny
Graybar’s Arch of the Future
Delores Cannon's Glimpses in Convoluted Universe:
10. Summary: Glimpses and Visions of the Multi-dimensional Spiritual Universe
Weaving it all together: Are We in a New Age of Revelation?
How Much Do We Know? What is Speculative?
Convergence of Science and Spirituality via the Akashic Field
Poem on MDSU and Land of Yin and Yang

Epilogue : The Four Modes of Being to Fully Experience Life

1: Chapter Notes
2. Statistics of Scientific Evidence and Proofs
3. Summary of Hypotheses and Testing Results
4. Bibliography: Books and Sources for Understanding MDSU
5. Conversations with Spiritual Group (The Lightspeakers)

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